So, once again, I wanted to do something a little crazy and adventurous so I asked a couple friends that weren't working if they wanted to go on a day trip to another country for lunch. Why not Liechtenstein!
My friend, Liz, who is always up for a strange, crazy, adventure of course said yes and another friend, Kelley, who was visiting from the States came along. We left around 8:30 am and followed my, sometimes misguided, GPS! It was a really easy drive, although, I thought Liechtenstein was surrounded by Germany and I wasn't expecting to have to purchase a vignette (sticker that verifies you have paid the road taxes). It is actually bordered by Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. After we stopped and grabbed a Austrian vignette, they luckily waived us through the Swiss border. The Swiss vignette is 40 euro per year but that does not mean it's for 12 months necessarily. If you buy the vignette in January, you have it for twelve months. If you buy it in May, you only have it for 7 months and have to buy a new one in January...
Anyway, we quickly drove through Switzerland and made it to Vaduz, Liechtenstein! It's one of the strangest little places I've seen yet. They speak German but use the Swiss Franc...It's also one of the cleanest places I've seen, loaded with tons of art as well!
Liechtenstein Castle |
Closer up of Liechtenstein Castle |
The other side |
We made our way from the parking garage to the pedes
trian städtle, or zone where the restaurants are. We were greeted by a large lady outside the parking garage! We just knew this was going to be interesting after that.
Vaduz was super clean, not very crowded, but filled with pieces of art and seemed like a pretty neat spot for lunch on a beautiful May day. We took a little time to check out the little shops and then went to look for some food!
Kelley went to find the skii museum and Liz and I did what we do best...eat and drink! ;)
Once our bellies were full, we walked back through the town to take pictures and then head back the four drive!
A small version of Liechtenstein Castle |
Naked guy. Actual name, Phoenix. |
Silliness |
Yep, looks like a good place for a headstand! |
Such a clean little town |
Gotta love Kelley's sense of humor! |
Woof! |
Perfect headstand! |
Government building in Liechtenstein |
I love how I can just pick it up! |
Thanks to Kelley for being such a good sport |
One final headstand |
Poor Kelley! |
It was an amazingly warm and sunny day and we had a lot of fun just doing something random and crazy like driving through four countries just to go have lunch! :) I love that I have such adventurous friends!